Recent Replies
@jim I remembered trying it several years ago when it came out. There were several glitches back then that caused me to switch back, but I‘ve been thinking of trying it again also.
@alexwolfe That was a good story. I enjoyed it.
@chrisheck I’m sorry to hear this. I hope you get some relief soon.
@WanderingInDigitalWorlds I’ve used the IRS’s strangely named Free File Fillable Forms for the last 2 years. It’s easy to use and caught my mistakes.
@hawaiiboy We’re the opposite. We watched the news until the shit show started.
@manton An author I liked (John Conroe) was on Vella, so I tried the format. I found the format awkward. Each entry was more than a book chapter but less than a short story.
@Mtt I’ve used NetNewsWire for a long time. Lately I thought I would try something fancier, so I’ve been using Unread. I like it.
@withers My wife & I live in rural NW US. We have a printed 15, 30, & 60 minute evacuation plan. A few essential documents and animal care items top the list.
@pratik I think you're right. The book was well written otherwise. I plan to read the next two knowing that I will be skimming over those parts when they inevitably come up.
@pratik I'll give the format a mixed review. The action scenes especially towards the end were terrific; for most of the rest I would have preferred a regular audiobook, and the sex scenes were embarrassing. I'm a 66-year-old guy, so I'm beyond that.
@bradjadkins I like that Hunter S. Thompson quote.
@davidmarsden I agree.
@lzbth I spent most of an hour today reading and reflecting on your excellent post. Some of it I identified with; much of it I didn’t. That is to be expected. We have traveled different paths to get to today. Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us.
@Annie Thank you for this. You made my day better.