Recent Replies
@manton I still remember our teacher reading it to us in sixth grade (over 50 years ago).
@anniegreens I hear you. I've been slowly removing apps and using the browser instead (where it makes sense).
@gregmoore Impressive!
@UndamnedOne Thanks for posting the link. In the midst of all the insanity surrounding us these days I need to hear some voices of common sense.
@jedda they don't care much for the ocean (they're farm dogs), but they love the beach.
@lostinhaste He/She put on quite the begging display at a campground we stayed in.
@amerpie Thank you. That is one of our clematis flowers from last summer.
@jsonbecker The Verge's rss feeds are my primary source of tech news.
@BinaryDigit It looks good to me.
@Ronguest I guess turnabout is fair. Everytime I use a Google site from Edge I get a popup encouraging me to switch to Chrome.
@chriswilsonXYZ It definitely should be read with a cat in your lap.
@Annie I’m saving this one to read repeatedly. Thank you.
@skoobz Nice, succinct post. I think I have seen all these points elsewhere, but the summary is great.
@ner3y That’s really cool light.
@philipbrewer @pratik @petebrown At the risk of cluttering up your blog, maybe add @sod's "Conversation on” plugin to give readers choices of how to reply.
@gwthompson Do you mean for your posts to show as links? I’ve wanted to follow up on a few of your posts, but there is nothing to click.
@jean Nice photo (not that the older one wasn't).
@gregmoore They look like starlings to me.
@skoobz Beautiful. You captured that well.
@pratik OK. You win.
@pratik That looks pretty good to me.
@numericcitizen This is terrific, thank you!
@matti Our dog has the same toy, but it has a lot more wear and tear. It's her favorite.