Recent Replies
@rpmik Nice photo! These birds are hard to photograph as they are in constant motion.
@pratik I hadn’t heard of such a gadget. I’m skeptical it would work up north here where it can spend weeks below freezing. I envision large icicles hanging from the spigot.
@pratik congrats and good luck!
@hollie My experience is that very few people have any idea of how to navigate with a paper map & compass. It’s a lost skill.
@WiredDifferently Good for you guys!
@mandaris I don’t know. The other day I was trying to remove a second story window from its frame for cleaning. I spotted a QR code attached to the top of the frame which led to a video on how to do it. I wouldn’t figured it out otherwise.
@hollie Pulling, mowing, and occasionally spraying weeds pretty much describe my life during the spring and summer.
@agilelisa It’s good so far. I was able to borrow the ebook from Libby after a short wait. I‘ll let you know when I finish.
@val Thank you. I’m more aligned with the sun’s schedule at this time of year, so I get treated to them at both ends of the day.
@ayjay This is nice. Thank you for posting it.
@pimoore I’m sorry to hear that. Best wishes to your family.
@pratik This is so petty it makes me wonder if they are trying to get you to quit even earlier to save some money.
@palousegeo They both wanted us to send them money.
@jessekelber Thanks for responding. I’m not as ambitious as you - no book in progress. Like others on MB I just want to document my days,and interact with others in a positive way. Best of luck with the book and the job search.
@philbowell Thank you for the tip. I also ordered the book.
@jessekelber Your categories come up fine on my phone, but some if the images in your posts are missing.
@the Thanks for an interesting collection of links.
@manton I still remember our teacher reading it to us in sixth grade (over 50 years ago).
@anniegreens I hear you. I've been slowly removing apps and using the browser instead (where it makes sense).
@gregmoore Impressive!
@UndamnedOne Thanks for posting the link. In the midst of all the insanity surrounding us these days I need to hear some voices of common sense.
@jedda they don't care much for the ocean (they're farm dogs), but they love the beach.
@lostinhaste He/She put on quite the begging display at a campground we stayed in.
@amerpie Thank you. That is one of our clematis flowers from last summer.
@jsonbecker The Verge's rss feeds are my primary source of tech news.