The prompt for day 1 of the September Photoblogging Challenge is abstract.

Lines and textures

The red pear harvest is going well.

Boxes of red pears

One of this past Spring’s new chicks has laid her first egg.

First egg from a new hen.

This is one of our favorite hikes along the Potlatch River.

Potlatch River in N. Idaho

Lots of lillies.


Kayaking with my wife and our dogs on Lake Winchester in northern Idaho.

Finished listening : Buried by Graham Masterton 📚

This book is part of a is well-written with good character development. That kept me listening to the end. However, the explicit violence and abuse will keep me from reading / listening to other books in the series.

A nice instrument and piece of furniture.


The spice cabinet.


Our rooster and a few of his court.


There’s a good chance that it will start raining in a few minutes.

rain clouds

I filled out a 10 page PDF form on my iPad with an Apple Pencil. It looked great,so I saved and submitted it. Later I opened the document on my PC to find all the form fields covered my entries. I had to redo it on my computer. 😡

I found this insect in the garden last summer, and took a photo for identification with iNaturalist. It’s a type of burying beetle.

Burying beetle

One year during the holidays we put together this tiny model bookstore. We had fun, but it took a lot of time.

model bookstore

Finished reading: Freedom’s Fire Box Set (audio) by Bobby Adair 📚 I picked up the 5 audiobook box set on Chirp for $5. It’s standard military space opera, but the protagonists can’t seem to catch a break until the end of the last book.

Our home has lots of houseplants.

This analog watch was given to me by my beloved wife back when she was my girlfriend - about 45 years ago.

Analog wristwatch

It may not seem like much now, but once the weather warms this becomes the central location of our lives. It is where we eat and drink, and our days begin and end. We have never called it a portico, but it seems to fit the definition.
